Legal Expertise

Personal Data

IT contracts and implementation, audits of enterprises and public institutions in terms of personal data protection, legal assistance in the processing of personal data, GDPR audits.

We provide our services to companies in the IT industry, medical entities, cultural institutions and other companies that require legal support in the field of personal data, including sensitive data. We have experience in the field of audits of enterprises and public institutions in terms of personal data protection.

While conducting an audit, we specify the conditions and scope of personal data processing, we verify or prepare the required documents (security policy, IT system management instruction, authorizations, consent clauses for processing personal data and others), we verify security measures and assess their compliance with law, we specify the scope and adherence to the provisions of entrusting data processing to third parties and we make appropriate applications in GIODO.

We prepare our clients for complying with the planned EU Data Protection Regulation, the so-called GDPR.

Our lawyers also provide services of Information Security Administrators.

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Public Procurement

Comprehensive legal assistance in the field of public procurement for contracting authorities and the economic operators as well as investment management services. Preparation of ToR and tenders.

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Labour Law

Comprehensive consultancy and service in the field of labour law. Legal support for HR departments of companies and management.

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Our Lawyers

Marcin Lassota LL.M.

Advocate, partner

Wojciech Krawiec

Advocate, partner

Agata Bylińska

Lawyer, specialist in public procurement

Magdalena Kasprzyk-Chevriaux

Advocate, of counsel
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